She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

Le Pouvoir De L’amour

The 26-year-old girl weighed 120 kilos.

Gennifer Ginley from UK worked as a social worker. She was ashamed to get married because of her excess weight.

She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

She had been in a relationship with Luke for a long time, but still did not dare to marry, because her obesity prevented her from feeling entirely happy.

Most of all, she felt embarrassed when she thought she would have to walk down the aisle dressed in bridal attire.

She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

When she saw her photos taken during the holidays she had spent with her fiancé, she decided to lose weight at all costs.

Gennifer understood that in order to change his appearance, he first had to change his lifestyle.

She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

She tried several diets, but nothing helped her.

In addition, the girl lost her self-confidence and thought that she would remain all her life with her overweight.

She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

But the desired transformation came with everyday workouts.

Gennifer also started walking every night and she managed to lose 61 kilograms.

Then, the girl underwent surgery to remove the excess skin.

His mother and sister also managed to lose weight.

She managed to lose half her weight for beautiful wedding photos: inspiring story

Thanks to her achievement, Gennifer’s photo appeared on the cover of Slimming World magazine and she was named “Miss Slimming 2017.”



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